AT6101CE – Backpack Radiation Detector (BRD) with high energy resolution scintillation detector

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Backpack Radiation Detector (BRD) is designed for inconspicuous search, detection, and automatic identification of weak and heavily shielded radiation sources. A unique combination of high sensitivity plastic scintillation probe with a high energy resolution ScintiClear (SrI2:Eu) gamma radiation detector makes AT6101CE an excellent choice for consequences management, customs and border patrol, public safety, and anti-terrorism […]

AT1120ME Spectrometer RIID with ScintiClear SrI2(Eu) scintillator

AT1120МЕ – new light weight spectrometer / radioisotope identification device with high energy resolution

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Light weight sensitive spectrometer/RIID with high energy resolution for search, detection, and identification of low activity materials and radiation sources, as well as for measuring ambient dose equivalent rate of X-ray and gamma radiation. Main features:– High sensitivity and low minimal detectable activity– Short response time enabling high fidelity assessment of rapidly changing radiation field […]

New АТ930 Pedestrian Radiation Monitor with high sensitivity scintillation detector

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AТ930 Pedestrian Radiation Monitor (PRM) is a standalone fully automatic control device designed for detection of low-activity gamma emitting radioactive isotopes in a stream of pedestrians. Main features: Standalone fully automatic solution Backup power source Can be installed in minutes Does not require on-site expert installation or training Software for advanced settings Automatic background correction […]

New Scintillation Gamma Radiation Probe BDKG-05S with high energy resolution ScintiClear detector core

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BDKG-05S Scintillation Gamma Radiation Probe includes SC-38.1×38.1 (ScintiClear Ø1.5”x1.5”) detector assembly with LED temperature stabilization, digital MCA, and RS232/RS485/USB communication interface. BDKG-05S offers about 3% energy resolution at 662 keV and can be used as part of stationary and mobile equipment and robotic devices. High energy resolution in the entire energy range from 20 keV […]

Radiation monitoring of pulsed X-ray and gamma radiation fields using UDKG-37 Gamma Radiation Detection Devices and AT2533 Dosimeters

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In addition to measuring continuous X-ray and gamma radiation ambient dose equivalent rate in an extremely wide range and under harsh operating conditions, UDKG-37 Gamma Radiation Detection Devices and AT2533 Dosimeters have been successfully tested and now can be used for restricted area beamline radiation control at linear accelerators (LINACs) and other pulsed-radiation facilities. UDKG-37 […]

Handheld rugged PDA and tablets

Zievert as a sales arm of CapeSym, Inc. has become an official distributor of Handheld Group (Sweden) in the USA and Canada.

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Handheld is the premier source for rugged mobile computers: from rugged handhelds to rugged tablets and notebooks. Handheld rugged mobile computers are known for the combination of high performance and strength to be able to handle the most demanding field applications. Handheld offer a broad range of high-quality, full-featured rugged handhelds and rugged tablets at […]

New AT2503B Personal Digital Dosimeters are available for preorder at with delivery in the 4th quarter of 2020.

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AT2503B budget digital dosimeters are built on the success of their predecessors AT2503 and AT2503A. New devices have improved electronic components and design. AT2503B dosimeters enjoy a larger screen, a broader range of dose equivalent rates from 0.1 μSv/h to 10 Sv/h, and a wider energy range from 50 keV to 10 MeV. The dosimeters […]