
New АТ930 Pedestrian Radiation Monitor with high sensitivity scintillation detector

AТ930 Pedestrian Radiation Monitor (PRM) is a standalone fully automatic control device designed for detection of low-activity gamma emitting radioactive isotopes in a stream of pedestrians.

Main features:

  • Standalone fully automatic solution
  • Backup power source
  • Can be installed in minutes
  • Does not require on-site expert installation or training
  • Software for advanced settings
  • Automatic background correction
  • Continuous and occasional radiation monitoring
  • Rugged design
  • Automatic system health diagnostics
  • US warranty and customer support

AT930 is compliant with IEC 62244:2006 radiation protection instrumentation standard: – Installed radiation monitors for the detection of radioactive and special nuclear materials at national borders.

More details are available on:
АТ930 Pedestrian Radiation Monitor